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Calculating The Date Of Orthodox Easter

Orthodox Easter: A Deep Dive

Calculating the Date of Orthodox Easter

The first step in calculating Orthodox Easter is to determine the date of the vernal equinox. The Gauss algorithm is then used to calculate the old-style and new-style Orthodox Easter dates. A simplified algorithm is also available for finding Easter Sunday dates for any year.

Historical Context of Orthodox Easter

Orthodox Easter is rooted in the ancient tradition of celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The date of Easter is determined using a complex set of calculations based on the lunar and solar calendars. These calculations have been used for centuries to determine the date of Easter, which is a central holiday in the Orthodox Christian tradition.

Calculating Orthodox Easter Dates for Any Year

There are a number of resources available online that can help you calculate the date of Orthodox Easter for any given year. These resources typically use a simplified version of the Gauss algorithm to calculate the date. You can also find lists of Easter Sunday dates for future years.


Orthodox Easter is a significant holiday for Orthodox Christians around the world. The date of Easter is determined using a complex set of calculations that have been used for centuries. By understanding the history and calculation of Orthodox Easter, you can better appreciate the significance of this important holiday.
